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BERLIAPIPES 575e444e9ec6680950a2259e Products
  • 2024-04-15T10:23:34

Berlia HDPE Pipes - A Pioneering Name in the Pipe Industry Berlia Electricals Pvt. Ltd., a prominent manufacturer and exporter based in India, is known for its high-quality HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) pipes1. The company, established in 1975, has been serving the industry with a variety of pipes, including HDPE, DWC, MDPE, PLB Duct, and Micro duct pipes. Berlia HDPE pipes are made from a flexible plastic called high-density polyethylene, offering a popular choice for various applications due to its advantageous properties. These pipes are used extensively for water supply, high-pressure irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, wire ducting, sewage, and drainage. The company’s commitment to quality is evident in its use of prime grade virgin raw material for extrusion and rigorous testing to ensure the products meet Indian and International standards. Berlia offers pipes in all sizes ranging from 20 mm to 1200 mm and all pressure classes. Berlia HDPE pipes are not just about quality and durability; they are also about innovation and adaptability. With a well-established supplier network all over India, Berlia follows the concept of Just in Time manufacturing, ensuring the lowest cost of production with minimum stock level. Choose Berlia HDPE pipes for their superior quality, durability, and excellent performance. Experience the difference with Berlia Pipes

Berlia HDPE Pipes - A Pioneering Name in the Pipe Industry Berlia Electricals Pvt. Ltd., a prominent manufacturer and exporter based in India, is known for its high-quality HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) pipes1. The company, established in 1975, has been serving the industry with a variety of pipes, including HDPE, DWC, MDPE, PLB Duct, and Micro duct pipes. Berlia HDPE pipes are made from a flexible plastic called high-density polyethylene, offering a popular choice for various applications due to its advantageous properties. These pipes are used extensively for water supply, high-pressure irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, wire ducting, sewage, and drainage. The company’s commitment to quality is evident in its use of prime grade virgin raw material for extrusion and rigorous testing to ensure the products meet Indian and International standards. Berlia offers pipes in all sizes ranging from 20 mm to 1200 mm and all pressure classes. Berlia HDPE pipes are not just about quality and durability; they are also about innovation and adaptability. With a well-established supplier network all over India, Berlia follows the concept of Just in Time manufacturing, ensuring the lowest cost of production with minimum stock level. Choose Berlia HDPE pipes for their superior quality, durability, and excellent performance. Experience the difference with Berlia Pipes

  • 2024-04-15T10:23:34

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